Bachelor Road, Nalwadi, Wardha.
Maharashtra, India
Mobile: +91 9975497786, +91 9890615723
Computer Science Department
Indraprastha New
Art, Commerce & Science College, Wardha, September, 2022. “INDEPENDENCE
DAY CELEBRATION” was organized by on 5 th September, 2022 at 11.00 am in
Indraprastha New Art, Commerce and Science College Wardha. All the teachers and
students of computer Science department were present in the program. The
students cleaned their classrooms and decorated them with colourful balloons
and ribbons. In our department, the program was started with the arrival of the honorable
chief guest Dr. Ashish Sasankar, Principal , INACSC, Wardha with Prof. Vikram
Nevhal coordinator of Computer Science Department. Dr Ashish Sasankar gave
introductory speech about the Teacher’s Day. He gave a speech of birth
anniversary of Dr Sarvpalli Radhakrushn. After delivering speech of
Principal, all teachers and students delivered the speech of Dr Sarvpalli
Radhakrushn. The
program was concluded with a vote of thanks given by Coordinator Vikram Nevhal.